Saturday, November 7, 2009

Running Week of Nov 8-14

Sunday- rest
Monday-3 (work 12 hour night shift) did a little over 3 miles at the park with Meredith. Good times.
Tuesday-3 (work 12 hour night shift) rested today. I needed the sleep and to rest a hip flexor muscle.
Wednesday-rest, actually rested like I was supposed to.
Thursday-2, went to the bike trail and walked 2 miles and ran 3.
Saturday-5 (work 12 hour night shift) ran 5 miles in just over an hour. I am really hoping to finish the 10k in an hour. we shall see

because of my work schedule this week I may switch Tuesday and Thursday. I can tolerate a longer run when I am not working 2 in a row.

11/14/09 exactly 1 week until the 10k in Hot Springs. I am really getting nervous!

Week Total:

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