Friday, February 6, 2009


For the last week the house has been sick. It started with Adam and he kept it for about 6-7 days. Victoria was a little sick but not as bad as Adam.
Now Jeff is sick. Temperature, achy, chills, sore throat etc. He is a walking NyQuil commercial.
I am hoping my years of working on pediatrics has really helped me to build up an immunity. I cannot afford to get sick. Who would take care of me? Who would take care of the house? the dishes? the laundry?

I hope this weekend everyone gets better and we get the sickness outta here!

Tomorrow I will finish week 2 of the Push phase of ChaLEAN Extreme. I really am noticing I am stronger, but I am limited to 15lb weights. I really need to get the heavier weights, and I have found some I really like. It is just hard to part with the $$$.

These are the weights I am thinking about they are by Weider. Each dumbbell goes from 10-50lbs in 5lb increments. With the stand for $299 at Sears. The reviews have been strong in the positive. I played with them at the store and they seemed easy to change weight and lift out of cradle etc.

I worked all night last night. I am tired and heading for a nap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that all have been sick. Our house keeps passing it around. Been that way for about a month now. Just when I think someone is over it, then another gets it. I have lucked out and not been sick. My excuse...I just don't have time to be sick so I can't get sick...haha Well thought I would make a drive by on the way to school. I don't know whether I am coming or going. This semester is TOUGH!