Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Bonding Benefits of a 30-Day Plan

In a great interview given by Chalene Johnson, maker of Turbo Jam, she talks about the benefits of working out, making a plan, and getting a buddy involved.
Don't wait for time to exercise. You will never have it. You MUST make the time to exercise.
Here are a few tips she gives that works for her. I find them to be helpful for me too.
  1. Never leave exercise to chance. "Exercise has to be scheduled with the same regularity as picking up your child at school. It's that important. I wake up at 5:45 and work out. That's when nobody needs me. I want to stay in bed, but when I'm finished working out, I think, 'Thank God I did that—I feel so good!' You won't find the time. You have to make the time. Because ChaLEAN Extreme is all about building muscle to burn fat, you will see results fast, which will inspire you to stick with the program."
  2. The early bird gets the results. "People who work out in the morning tend to lose weight faster, keep it off longer, and stay with a regular workout schedule. Turbo Jam is a fun, upbeat way to fit fitness into your life. It doesn't take a lot of space; you can do it when the kids are asleep, or even invite the kids to join in. They love all the kicking and punching moves!"
  3. Partner up. "Sharing any experience, including exercise, keeps you motivated and on track. And it provides a more positive outlet for socializing and bonding."
  4. Create the right environment. "Just like in your office, you have your keyboard, printer, and phone nearby to get your job done. The same is true for getting fit. Rid the pantry and the freezer of unhealthy foods and keep healthy snacks on hand. I let my kids have what they want, but they often don't eat the bad stuff because it's out of sight. When they choose a food, I tell them whether it will 'make you stronger' or 'slow you down.' Presented in that context, they choose more wisely."
So what is your excuse. Mine was always no time, kids, tired, no room, nothing works..the list goes on and on.
The truth is I never really made time to workout. Not even 10 minutes. If you dedicate yourself to you, you will make the time. Your health and life are too important to keep letting it go.
Start today. By the time tomorrow gets here it is already today. Don't wait for Monday. There is no rule that says you have to start on Monday.

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